Even though I have been in remission from cancer for the 2nd time since January 1990
life is still challenging! To be brief I know how to cope with congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and I'm also a insullin dependent stage 2 diabetic.
But all is good! I share my health issues with you to let you know that no matter what you are experiencing right now at this very moment, that God has promised us in his word, the Holy Bible that he will never leave us or foresake us! The only reason that I have been healed twice of Hodgekins Disease(I believe) is to continue to encourage cancer patients and their families! My sweet wife has had Dystonia for over 40 years, so we really realize the power of prayer and faith in the God of this universe. My wife's website is in the process of being re-built but you can access info about Dystonia in my original post! This is our first time to blog info about our radio shows, please tell others about our mission to encourage cancer and dystonia patients and their families. "We really do care about you!"
God Bless you!