I rec'd the following email from a friend of ours today. If you would like for me to forward you the original email we can do that for you! Email us at copingwithcancer@msn.com Your email will be keep confidental
Here's the email:
From Tammy Boley:
Special Prayer Request. I am starting a signing for my son's best friend who
Has cancer (Hodgkin's Lymphoma). He is 11 years old and is not doing well at
All. He was diagnosed with this cancer 2 weeks ago and the tumor is next to
His juggler vein and entwined in it...it has moved his wind pipe over an
Inch making it hard for him to breathe. The tumor is the size of a large
Eggplant and is sitting right above his heart. This little boy needs all the
Prayer he can get. I would like you to sign this and pass it on to as many
People as you can. Once we get to a thousand people can you please send this
Back to me at: 1volsgirl@bellsouth.net
I am going to print this up for my sons best friend and show him how many
People care and how many people are praying for him to get better. If you
Have a heart at all you will all do this for me. I love this child as though
He is my own and we really need all the prayers! Thank you.
Hit forward - then clean up all the names at the top section by highlighting
Them and deleting them...then add your name to the bottom of this list and
Send it out to as many people as you can and pray for him!
Let's storm the throne with prayer!!
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