Cancer affects all of us in one way or another, a family member, relative or maybe your best friend.What do you say? How do you comfort him or her?I know what you are going through with cancer. By the Grace of God and modern medicine I have survived Hodgekins Disease lymphatic cancer twice since 1984! I have been cancer free since early 1990! Originally we put Coping With Cancer on the air 1992-1994. As a two time survivor it is my personal goal to Give Positive Encouragement To Cancer Patients And Their Families! I'm 53 years old and consider myself to be the "Happiest Guy In Radio!" Hear Coping With Cancer Live Sunday evenings 11:30pm-11:54pm cst on We are in the process of rebuilding our website at When you visit our site please check out my sweet Wife's info about her radio show called "Coping With Dystonia" Dystonia is a movement disorder that causes the muscles to contract and spasm involuntarily. The neurological mechanism that makes muscles relax when they are not in use does not function properly. Opposing muscles often contract simultaneously as if they are “competing” for control of a body part. The involuntary muscle contractions force the body into repetitive and often twisting movements as well as awkward, irregular postures. Learn more > Just click on the Previous shows tab. I have so much ,I want to share with you about how God gave me the strength and courage to not give up! We have listeners around the world, and we want to hear from you about how you are "Coping With Cancer" I know that our guests will encourage you!
It is our prayer that God will give you the peace that surpassess all understanding!
Listen now to our current show at
God Bless you!