Surviving Cancer: The First Time!
When you are 29 years old and find out that you have Hodgkin's disease stage 2 B, this is like a slap in the face emotionally speaking! Not knowing what it was, I had to look it up in the dictionary. In 1984 we did not have the blessing of the Internet to research medical diseases.
Let's us go back before this time of my diagnosis. Prior to 1984, I was in excellent health, had surgery on my right knee when I was in High School. When I was very young I had a eye condition called the "Lazy Eye which was corrected with a surgical procedure.
We never had to deal with cancer in our family so when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease stage 2B I was the first male in our family that we know of to have this disease. Basically my lymph nodes had cancer in them, plus they found a 5 to 7lb mass in my abdominal area. Needless to say the faith of my youth was something that really got me through this emotionally draining journey.
To make matter worse, I was married to my first Wife at this time and the marriage was very rocky to say the least. I had a delivery route with the largest snack food company in the world at that time which was Frito-Lay Inc. Before my first cancer surgery, while on my Frito-lay route I firmly believe that God put people in my life to encourage and pray for me. I have always been a very extroverted person so I really loved interacting with my customers!
We have done a radio show over the years called "Coping With Cancer" Our goal is to give positive encouragement to cancer patients and their families!
We have had wonderful guest on over the years, like Baseball great Dave Dravecky, former Miss Texas Suzanne Lawrence, Motivational Speaker Manuel "Manny Diotte" author of "Happiness is a Pair Of Shorts!" also cancer patients and family members as well. Speaking from the depths of my heart, I believe survivng cancer the first time, was in large part due to the prayers of friends and family. As our pastor has always stated"The Doctors can treat us but only God can heal us!
If you are a loved one have cancer learn as much as you can! A great resource for you will be We had the blessing to interview , Richard Bloch, co-founder and honorary chairman of the board of H & R Block.
Your Doctor is there for you, often he is very busy so write down your questions in advance to ask him about your treatment plan.
Most importantly, be sure you check your faith level. Belief in the God of our Birth was essential for me to emotionally survive cancer the first time!