Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Why I was healed of cancer twice!
I want you to know, that I really care about how cancer has affected your life or someone you know...I'm 53 years old, and consider myself to be the most "blessed man" alive! I have other serious health issues that I currently cope with on a daily basis, like type 2 diabetes, chf (congestive heart failure) high blood sugar, and I'm insullin dependent as well. No probllem! I share with you from the depths of my soul! I feel that God has truly entrusted me to encourage as many cancer patients and their families for the rest of my days on this earth! This is why we do our radio show called "Coping With Cancer" Our site is at Currently I'm working my "old shift" 5pm-1am (cst) at where I have been employed since March 1986. I believe God "gives us the desire of our Hearts"! Actually I prayed in Jesus name to get a job with KSLR back in 1986 and that prayer was answered in 2 weeks! Amazing! I had no previous background in radio just a desire on be on the air! I have been healed twice of cancer is to share with you how a baisc faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding! I know that others have had this same faith in Jesus and that they are not here to love us and to comfort us because they may had died from cancer. I'm humbled to know that God sitll has me here to tell you how much he loves you and really cares about every area of your life! I was healed the 2nd time from cancer because God sent me great encouragement from a man who is know my Pastor. His name is John Payne. Rev. Payne prayed for me back in 1988 when I was diagnosed with Hodgekins Disease for the 2nd time. I was so depressed I just wanted to just give up and die...he told me that in some cases God uses Doctors, and medicines to heal people who have cancer, and that I need to do everything possible to fight my recurrent Hodgekins Disease! Prasise God I'm glad God sent Rev. John Payne to encourage me! Have you ever had a situation or family or friend who was there for you? To encourage you? Exactly when you needed it? Wow!!! I was healed twice of cancer to tell you how much I love you. We don't know each other but we really do....I know what it means to Cope with Cancer. I want to encourage you now and always, to pray and fight for your life! As my friend "Manny" Diotte says "You were born to win!" Manny is a cancer survivor his site is Share your heart, so that you can encourage others. I would love to hear from you soon. God Bless You!