Thursday, May 31, 2007

When Someone In Your Family Has Cancer - Part 2

This is our 2nd Posting from this book on our msn community at

From: Rev_Daniel_Thrower (Original Message)

Cancer Treatment

There are four main kinds of treatment for cancer-surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and biological therapy. These are used to destroy cancer cells and bring about a remission. Depending on what type of cancer people have, they could have one kind of treatment or a combination of treatments.
Treatments for cancer sometimes cause unwanted side effects such as hair loss, nausea, and weakness. Side effects are problems caused by the treatment. This happens because cancer treatment that destroys cancer cells also can hurt some normal cells.
Sometimes, people with cancer are treated in studies that test different types of cancer treatment. You may hear someone in your family talk about "clinical trials"; these are carefully designed studies that test new and promising treatments.

Words Used When Talking About Cancer Treatment
Biological therapy: Treatment to improve the ability of immune cells to fight infection and disease.
Chemotherapy (kee-mo-THER-a-pee): Treatment with anticancer drugs.
Clinical trials: Research studies that involve patients.
Intravenous (in-tra-VEE-nus): Into the vein. Also called IV. A common way of getting medicines into the bloodstream is by having them drip down from a container through a tube and needle and into a vein. Medicine also can be injected into the vein through a syringe (veins are tubes that carry blood back to the heart from all parts of a person's body). After surgery, blood or fluids to help a patient recover can be given through IVs.
Protocol (PRO-to-kol): A detailed plan that doctors follow when treating cancer patients.
Radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun THER-a-pee): Treatment of cancer with high-energy rays to kill or damage cancer cells. This treatment can come from a machine or from materials put in or near the cancer. Radiation therapy does not make the patient radioactive.
Side effects: Problems caused when cancer treatment affects healthy cells in the body. The most common side effects are hair loss, being tired, and having nausea, vomiting, and mouth sores.
Surgery (SUR-ja-ree): An operation. Cancer surgery is done to remove cancerous tissue from the body.
Vein (vayne): Tubes that carry blood back to the heart from all parts of the body.

Surgery (SUR-ja-ree) is an operation. In cancer surgery, all or part of the tumor may be cut out. Sometimes healthy tissue around the tumor also is taken out. When people have surgery, they often have to stay in the hospital until they are strong enough to come home. When they do come home, they may still be weak from the surgery. There may be some things they should not do for a while, like lifting heavy things or climbing stairs, because the body needs time to heal after surgery.

Chemotherapy (kee-mo-THER-a-pee) is the treatment of cancer with drugs that destroy cancer cells. These drugs go into the blood stream and are carried to cancer cells anywhere in the body. Chemotherapy is usually given many times for several months or years.
Chemotherapy is most often taken through a needle inserted into a vein, called an intravenous (in-tra-VEE-nus) or IV for short, or into a muscle (a shot), or by mouth (liquid or pills). Many different drugs are used in chemotherapy. Doctors decide which drug or groups of drugs to use depending on what type of cancer the person has.

Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy works mainly on the cancer cells. But healthy cells, especially those that also divide quickly, can be harmed as well. This can cause unwanted side effects, and almost all people taking chemotherapy will have side effects. Most side effects don't last long and will gradually go away after treatment is stopped. The doctor can tell your parents (or the person with cancer) which side effects are most likely.
When chemotherapy acts on normal cells in the stomach and the rest of the digestive tract, from the mouth on down, it can cause nausea and vomiting. Sometimes people lose their appetite. If they have sores on the tongue, gums, or inside the cheeks, it is hard to eat, especially if the food is too hot, cold, or spicy. People often lose some weight because of these side effects.
Nausea and vomiting usually stop within 1 or 2 days after the drug is taken. Mouth sores may last longer and may not even start until 1 or 2 weeks after taking certain drugs. Many people with mouth sores use special mouth rinses to ease the pain.
Temporary hair loss is another common side effect of chemotherapy. Sometimes the hair falls out all at once, and other times it slowly thins out. There's no way to know whether all the hair will come out or if some parts of the body will lose more hair than others. Even if hair is lost, it usually grows back after treatment has stopped. Some people wear a wig, cap, or scarf until their hair grows back.
The bone marrow, the innermost part of the bone, makes new blood cells. If chemotherapy affects the bone marrow, it cannot produce as many blood cells as usual. For a while, the person may have fewer red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets (PLAYT-lets), which are different kinds of cells in the blood.
Red blood cells carry needed oxygen to the tissues. When red blood cells are low, the person may be tired, pale, or cranky.
White blood cells fight infection. When they are low, the person is more likely to get sick and may need to stay out of crowded places or away from people who have something they could catch-like a cold, the flu, or chicken pox. Because of this, you may need to stay away from them if you get sick. Tell your parents when you have been around anyone who is sick, including anyone who has a cold, so they can watch for signs that you might be getting sick.
Platelets help stop bleeding. People who don't have enough platelets may bruise or bleed easily. They may have to stay away from rough play. If they get a nosebleed while their platelets are low, don't panic. They may bleed a little more than someone else would, but it will stop.
You may notice changes in how the person who is getting chemotherapy acts sometimes. Everyone has ups and downs, but these may be more extreme in people taking some kinds of chemotherapy. They may feel depressed, nervous, very hungry, or not hungry at all. Of course, every change like this is not due to chemotherapy. The person with cancer may be sad or worried.
The side effects people have depend on the drugs they take. They may have some or none of the side effects mentioned here, or they may have others. Young people who have had a parent or brother or sister with cancer have found that it is best to find out what to expect by talking to their parents or the person with cancer.
Side effects of chemotherapy are not pleasant, but they don't last forever. The drugs do not destroy all of the normal cells. Once chemotherapy is over, the hair usually grows back, and the bone marrow produces the normal amount of new blood cells. People with cancer begin to feel and act like themselves again.

Radiation Therapy
In radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun THER-a-pee), high-energy rays from radioactive substances are aimed at a malignant tumor. This damages the cancer cells. They die because they can not divide. Some normal cells close to the tumor also will be damaged. But most healthy cells are protected by special lead shields that cover the parts of the body not being treated.
To be sure the radiation is aimed right at the cancer, dye or felt-tip markers are used to mark the target area on the skin. These marks are needed until treatments are finished.
If you've ever had an x-ray, you know something about what radiation therapy is like and that it does not hurt. Radiation treatments for cancer take only a few minutes and often are given over a period of several weeks.
In some cases, radiation is not beamed through a machine but instead comes from radioactive material placed in or near the tumor. Surgery is used to insert radiation implants in the tumor. Then cancer cells will be destroyed from inside the body.
The person who gets radiation therapy is not radioactive during or after radiation therapy. When people have an implant in place, however, you will not be allowed to get too close to them until it is removed. They will be in the hospital during this short period of time.

Side Effects of Radiation Therapy
Although radiation therapy is not painful, it can cause unwanted side effects. The person may be more tired than usual. The skin where radiation is aimed may feel like it has been sunburned and will need to be protected from the sun. Hair may fall out but only in the area receiving radiation. If the radiation therapy aims at the stomach, the person may have nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or a loss of appetite. People who have radiation treatments to the head or neck may have a sore throat, headaches, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, loss of taste, or a changed sense of smell.

Biological Therapy
The body's natural defense system is known as the immune system. Biological therapy uses substances to try to improve the ability of immune cells to fight infection and disease, including cancer. Some of the words you may hear when the doctor, nurse, or your family talks about biological therapy are interleukin (in-ter-LOO-kin), interferon (in-ter-FEAR-on), growth factors, or colony-stimulating factors.

Side Effects of Biological Therapy
Biological therapy may cause a person to have nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, chills, fever, and/or a rash. During treatment, the person may feel weak or tired. These side effects go away when the treatment stops.

Side Effects: What You Can Do to Help
There's nothing you can do to prevent side effects from cancer treatment, but you can help make them a little easier. Just understanding that side effects can make your parent or brother or sister feel tired or sick may help you be more patient. And if the person with cancer is tired or sick but wants company, you can spend time with them doing quiet things such as talking, reading, watching TV, or playing games.

Doctors Who Work With Cancer Patients Hematologist (hee-ma-tol-o-jist): A doctor who is a specialist in the study and treatment of blood diseases.
Oncologist (on-KOL-o-jist): A doctor who is a specialist in treating people with cancer.
Pathologist (pa-THOL-o-jist): A doctor who is a specialist in the study of cells and tissues removed from the body as well as in making a diagnosis based on changes in these cells.
Radiation oncologist (ray-dee-AY-shun): A doctor who is a specialist in using radiation to treat cancer.
Radiologist (ray-dee-OL-o-jist): A doctor who is a specialist in making and explaining pictures of areas inside the body. These pictures are made with x-rays, sound waves, or other types of energy.
Surgeon (SUR-jun): A doctor who is a specialist in doing operations
Learning More on Your Own
Now you know something about cancer in general, how it is treated, and about side effects from treatment. You may want to know more about your family member's cancer-like what kind it is, its treatment, and what that means for all of you. If you want to know more, ask someone who can answer questions such as:
What kind of cancer is it?
Where is the cancer?
Will my family member get better?
What is the best kind of treatment for this type of cancer? Will more than one kind of treatment be used?
How do people feel when they receive this treatment? Does the treatment hurt?
How often is this treatment given? How long will the treatment last?
Does the treatment change how people look, feel, or act? If so, how?
How long do treatments last-a morning, a week? Can I visit?
Where are treatments given? What is it like? Can I come along?
What will happen to me during these treatments?
Can people receiving this treatment go back to school or work right away? Is it better for them to stay at home?
Can my family member eat the same foods as everyone else? If not, what special foods or diets are needed?
What can I do to help?
You may have questions of your own. Sometimes people who have a parent or brother or sister with cancer can visit the cancer treatment center instead of just imagining what it's like. You can see the building and equipment and meet the people who work there. Sometimes, you can meet other cancer patients.
If the hospital is too far away or has rules against your visiting, you could ask other people who have gone to the hospital to tell you what it's like. They can tell you about the people they know such as the doctors, nurses, social workers, and patients, and describe a typical day. They can bring home booklets, draw you pictures, and take photographs. This way they can share their experiences with you, and you can learn a little about the hospital.

Reading About Cancer

Reading about cancer also may be useful. If you decide to read about cancer, be sure that what you read is up-to-date. Cancer treatment is getting better so fast that information may be out of date in a few years.
And remember, just as you're an individual, so is the person in your family who has cancer. Your family's experiences may not be exactly like those you read about. If you read something or see something on TV or in the movies, do not assume that what happens to the cancer patient in the story will happen to the person in your family.
If you read something or see something on TV or in the movies that you don't understand or you want to talk about, you may want to share it with your parents or another adult you trust. Pick someone who knows you and what you are experiencing. Give them the book or article to read or tell them about what you saw. Sometimes, when you are worried, it is hard to concentrate on what you have seen or read. It may help to talk it over and share how you feel.
. God Bless You!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Our Support Group at MSN

Coping With Cancer
Here you will find information about Cancer, Male & Female Breast Cancer, Encourage others. and you will find that faith and healing go hand in hand Giving positive encouragement to cancer patients & their families.

Here is a recent post by my good friend Rev. Daniel Thrower> His sweet wife is a cancer survivor!

When Someone in Your Family Has Cancer Part One
Cancer Changes Things
When someone in your family has cancer, things can change for everyone. These changes can be large or small. What it is like to have a parent or a brother or sister with cancer depends on a lot of things such as:
Who in your family has cancer.
What kind of cancer the person has and how it's treated.
How old you are.
If you have other people in your family or close friends nearby who can help.
Whether you live with two parents or with one.
If you have brothers and sisters at home and how old they are.
How far the person with cancer goes for treatment-across town or to another city or state-and if you can visit or call them.
How long the person has to stay in the hospital.
How well or sick the person with cancer feels.
Whether you can get the answers to your questions about cancer.
How easy it is for your family or friends to talk with you about cancer.
How easy it is for you to talk about cancer.
Whether your friends know what is happening to your family.
How your friends treat you.
Any of these can make a difference, and only you know how cancer has changed your life. One piece of information can't answer all your questions. This information was written to help you understand more about cancer and how it is treated. It may help you to understand the changes that may happen in your life. It also may help you understand and deal with feelings you have about cancer and about the person in your family who has it.
Cancer: Can It Be Cured?
Some people think that because a person has cancer he or she is going to die. Although some people do die from cancer, many do not. More people are living with cancer today than ever before. In many cases, cancer treatment can cause a remission (ree-MISH-un).* Remission means that there are no more signs of the cancer. A remission can last for months or years and sometimes lasts so long that the person is considered cured. But sometimes the cancer comes back. If this happens, it is called a relapse (REE-laps) or recurrence (re-KUR-unce). When that happens, treatment usually starts again.
Whether the person in your family can be cured of cancer depends on many things, and no booklet can tell you exactly what to expect. If you wonder how your parent or brother or sister is doing, ask an adult who you think will know. Ask someone in your family or someone who works with people who have cancer. If your parents agree, you may want to talk to the doctor, nurse, or social worker at the hospital where your family member goes for treatment. Nobody can tell you what will happen in the future, but they can help you understand what is happening.
It may help to know that a lot of cancer research is being done, and ways of treating cancer are getting better.
Learning about the type of cancer the person in your family has and the treatment being used will help you understand what is happening to your family member. Both of these are important to know about because there are more than 100 different types of cancer, and the treatment for each type is different. Also, there may be more than one way of treating a type of cancer, so people who have the same kind of cancer may not even get the same treatment. Treatment will depend on how old the patient is, whether the cancer has spread to other places in the body, and what the doctors think is best for each patient.
Treatment will usually follow a protocol (PRO-to-kol), which is a plan for treating cancer. However, even if two people have the same type of cancer and the same treatment, the treatment may not work the same way for both of them. So, if you know or hear of someone who has had the same type of cancer and treatment as your family member, and that person did not do well, it doesn't mean that your family member isn't going to get well. It is important to remember that each person is different and can react to treatment differently.
Words Used When Talking About Cancer
Benign (be-NINE): Not cancer.
Biopsy (BY-op-see): A test where a piece of tissue (a group of cells) is taken from a person's body and looked at through a microscope to see if the cells are normal. This is one way to see if a person has cancer. A biopsy also can tell what type of cancer a person has.
Cancer (KAN-ser): Over 100 diseases where cells that are not normal grow and divide rapidly. They crowd out and destroy normal cells the body needs. Cancer can also spread to other parts of the body.
Diagnosis (dy-ag-NO-sis): Identifying a disease. A diagnosis is based on tests and doctors' experience and knowledge.
Hematology (hee-ma-TOL-o-jee): The study of the blood, the parts of the body where blood is formed, and blood diseases.
Immune cells: Cells in the body that protect a person from infection and disease.
Lump: A thickness or bump under the skin that can be felt by the fingers, either by the person who has it or by a doctor. Lumps can be a sign of cancer, but most lumps are not cancerous.
Lymphatic system (lim-FAT-ik): Certain tissues and organs of the body that make and store cells that fight infection and disease (immune cells). These cells are carried throughout the body in an almost colorless fluid called lymph (limf). Lymph and the vessels that carry lymph fluid also are part of this system.
Malignant (ma-LIG-nant): Cancer.
Metastasis (ma-TAS-ta-sis): The spread of cancer from one part of the body to another. Metastasis also is the word used for a new tumor caused by the spread of cancer cells.
Oncology (on-KOL-o-jee): The study and treatment of cancer.
Prognosis (prog-NO-sis): What might happen to a person who has a disease.
Recurrence (re-KUR-unce): The return of cancer cells and signs of cancer after a remission.
Relapse (REE-laps): Recurrence.
Remission (ree-MISH-un): The disappearance of cancer symptoms and cells. When this happens, the disease is said to be "in remission."
Tissue (TISH-u): A group of cells that performs a specific function.
Tumor (TOO-mur): An abnormal mass of tissue.
What Is Cancer?
Cancer is a group of more than 100 diseases. Each type of cancer has its own name (such as lung cancer, breast cancer, leukemia), its own treatment, and its own chances of being cured. Each type of cancer is different from the others in many ways, but every cancer is the same in this way: Certain cells become abnormal and grow without control.
The millions of tiny cells that make up the human body are so small that they can be seen only by looking through a microscope. Although there are different kinds of cells, such as hair cells, skin cells, and blood cells, each type of cell makes new cells by dividing into two. This is how worn out, old cells are replaced with new ones.
What happens when someone has cancer is that a cell changes and doesn't do the job it should do for the body. When a cancer cell divides, it makes more cells like itself-cells that are not normal. These cells keep dividing into more cells. Eventually, they crowd out and destroy the normal, healthy cells and tissues the body needs.
A group of cells that keeps growing and crowding out normal cells is called a tumor (TOO-mur). There are two kinds of tumors. A benign (bee-NINE) tumor is not cancer. The cells of a benign tumor can crowd out healthy cells, but they cannot spread to other parts of the body. A malignant (ma-LIG-nant) tumor is cancer. Like a benign tumor, it can crowd out healthy cells around it. Unlike a benign tumor, however, a malignant tumor also can spread to other parts of the body. To do this, a cell or group of cells breaks away and moves, usually through the blood or lymphatic system, to other parts of the body. There they divide and grow and form tumors made up of cancer cells like the cells they came from. When this happens, it is called metastasis (me-TAS-ta-sis).
Cancer: It's Not Contagious
Scientists know that you can't "catch" cancer from someone who has it. It does not spread like chicken pox or the flu. You can't catch it from being with a person who has cancer or by drinking from the same glass as that person. You may know that you can't "catch" cancer, but you may wonder if having someone in your family who has cancer means that you also are going to get cancer. Instead of worrying, it is best to talk with your parents and the doctor about this. They can tell you that cancer usually doesn't run in families, and you can talk about what scares you.

God Bless you!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why I was healed of cancer twice!

I want you to know, that I really care about how cancer has affected your life or someone you know...I'm 53 years old, and consider myself to be the most "blessed man" alive! I have other serious health issues that I currently cope with on a daily basis, like type 2 diabetes, chf (congestive heart failure) high blood sugar, and I'm insullin dependent as well. No probllem! I share with you from the depths of my soul! I feel that God has truly entrusted me to encourage as many cancer patients and their families for the rest of my days on this earth! This is why we do our radio show called "Coping With Cancer" Our site is at Currently I'm working my "old shift" 5pm-1am (cst) at where I have been employed since March 1986. I believe God "gives us the desire of our Hearts"! Actually I prayed in Jesus name to get a job with KSLR back in 1986 and that prayer was answered in 2 weeks! Amazing! I had no previous background in radio just a desire on be on the air! I have been healed twice of cancer is to share with you how a baisc faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding! I know that others have had this same faith in Jesus and that they are not here to love us and to comfort us because they may had died from cancer. I'm humbled to know that God sitll has me here to tell you how much he loves you and really cares about every area of your life! I was healed the 2nd time from cancer because God sent me great encouragement from a man who is know my Pastor. His name is John Payne. Rev. Payne prayed for me back in 1988 when I was diagnosed with Hodgekins Disease for the 2nd time. I was so depressed I just wanted to just give up and die...he told me that in some cases God uses Doctors, and medicines to heal people who have cancer, and that I need to do everything possible to fight my recurrent Hodgekins Disease! Prasise God I'm glad God sent Rev. John Payne to encourage me! Have you ever had a situation or family or friend who was there for you? To encourage you? Exactly when you needed it? Wow!!! I was healed twice of cancer to tell you how much I love you. We don't know each other but we really do....I know what it means to Cope with Cancer. I want to encourage you now and always, to pray and fight for your life! As my friend "Manny" Diotte says "You were born to win!" Manny is a cancer survivor his site is Share your heart, so that you can encourage others. I would love to hear from you soon. God Bless You!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Our New Shows are ready!/Happy Mom's Day!!

First off, we want to wish all the "Moms" A Blessed Mother's Day! I now have the rest ouf our shows through May 20, 2007 at

Hug Your Mom Today!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless You!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

You can now hear our April 29, 2007 Show!

Just go to

If you would like to be a guest on our radio show please email me at

God Bless You!

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Video Message

Click here for my video message

God Bless You!